Thursday, 6 December 2012

Introduction to London Fashion Week 2013

London Fashion Week is the second event I have chosen to focus on, regarding their marketing approaches and strategies. The event takes place on Friday 15th to Tuesday 19th in February 2013.
Upon first glance at their website, you instantly notice the Register at  LFW red button. It is easy to locate as a user, and gives further description by saying "fast track registration for AW13 is now open, Buyers, press and bloggers click here to register online." It explains exactly who the button is useful too. Above this, there is also a LOGIN or SUBSCRIBE option; again, this is on the very top of the websites homepage therefore easily visible to the website user.

Crufts Intro - Direct Mail Sign Up

This page is what you are linked to once you have clicked on the E-Newsletter tab. The questions asked suggest an approach on profiling, as asking for information such as "Gender" and "Age" will assist in reporting to the Kennel Club the percentage of different demographics signing up.
I signed up to the E-Newsletter for Crufts! Located on the websites homepage, I had to scroll down to the bottom of the page in order to find the tab. It is a link to the Kennel Clubs Site where you register as a user, and tick a box to say you are interested in 'Crufts'.

I have chosen Crufts dog show as one of the events to explore regarding marketing strategies, taking place on the 7th-10th March 2013 in Birmingham. The event is an annual dog show, where breeds from the Kennel Club are showcased through competition.