Thursday, 14 March 2013

Target Audiences and Demographics

'In order to meet the general communication objectives specific stakeholders groups will need to be identified and targeted. Once this has been done, the final level of objective setting can be undertaken where objectives are developed for each identified target group, as each group may have differing communication preferences'
(G. Masterman & E. Wood, 2006)
Crufts dog show holds a primarily dog and pet orientated target audience, whether it is attendee dog owners, exhibitors holding stalls, potential stake holders, and participants in the dog show itself. The event takes place during the day, therefore is open to families attending the event; for entertainment from the dog show, and/or to acquire information from stalls and exhibitors as dogs being family pets.
Overall, the general demographic of the target audience would be both male and female adults, around 20+, because although day tickets cost just £17, it is this age range, and middle class, that most commonly have a higher disposable income. As I mentioned before, primarily dog owners or those interested in dogs, breeds, and dog shows, etc, would also a primary factor. When considering location of the demographic, the NEC where Crufts takes place is the biggest exhibition centre in the United Kingdom, attracting over 4 million attendees to the centre every year, visitors travel from various locations. Crufts attract international attendees, therefore the demographic of the target audience is not pin pointed in just one location.
Similiarly, London Fashion Week is also an international event, therefore both events share in common the fact that the target audience demographic regarding location cannot simply be pinpointed to one location.
London Fashion Week typically targets individuals with an interest in fashion, or those involved already in the fashion industry. "The main demographic at London Fashion Week were women. Most of them being around the age of 20 and 30 year old" Written by Msgana the events organisation intern
Although the fashion featured at London Fashion Week is beyond expensive, high street shoppers still attend the event simply to view, enjoy and be entertained by the vast amount of fashion and beauty the event surrounds them with. For those attending for the fashion and to spend money, would have to be from more of an upper middle social class, they may well be collectors of fashion, or fashion designers themselves.

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